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Robert william Clemons 3rd. - Site web commémoratif en ligne

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Robert Clemons 3rd.
Né àNew York
32 years
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Les Mémoires
auntie lee

I remeber when you and tanie  used to fight about everything , when yu were young ,then the  closeness that came with adult hood .I remember your silly giggle &your big smile . your warm hugs and the love you feel for all of us!!I will lo9ve you forever and see you soon love auntie lee


WHEN i first met you I loved you and the day you were married I let go of you but now you are home with grama and I no longer need to worry about you and know this, family love is the one thing that never dies I am happy to have known you because ,

I am better  for it!!! love forever auntie lee!!! You gave me happiness in hell for if I had never met your family I surely would not be here today !! thank you for the love that savd me!!

Tanya Polite

We use to play games that use to get us in a lot of trouble with mom and dad. Jumping off dressers and beds. Scaring one another so we wouldn't sleep alone. I share the scars that the bat left which I deserved, but for all this I could never forget my little brother (boobie).

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